Source Code


Game that is insanely easy to take advantage of; Scripting is too easy to abuse and the level editor is too damn simple. Addicting as hell, this game should not be played more than an hour a day.

dood, teh gr44l ROXORSZDS!!11111oneoneone

by Domino March 31, 2005

78πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


A Digital Cameo.

When you appear on screen, but you weren't even there.

Main Entry:






John says:
did you hear that arnold is going to be in the new terminator movie,
Brad says:
cameo, no?
John says:
but is going to be totally digitally rendered
Brad says:

by Domino May 5, 2009

1πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

my latte!

the best thing ever. if you've ever seen cheaper by the dozen youd know wat im talking about yall!!

kid: i have heard you been messing with our family
bully: dude! i dont even know ur family
kid: you do now!
hits bullies latte outta his hand
bully: my latte!!

by Domino January 21, 2005

27πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Used to indicate that a room does not have hostiles in it.


by Domino October 21, 2009

122πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

squeal like a piggy

When you're camping in the wilderness and two hillbillies take you and your friend hostage, tying your friend to a tree, while proceeding to bang you in your manhole while you scream and beg them not to. This is the resulting sound you make as the dirty redneck has his hairy way with your white city-slicker ass.

I'ma make you squeal like a piggy boy!

by Domino December 14, 2006

25πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Kane & Lynch

Kane & Lynch is one of the most incoherent game series ever created by game company IOInteractive. From dialogue that consists 99% of swear words, to a storyline that you'd almost have to be mentally numbed to understand, a Kane & Lynch is a failure so epic that it transcends normally boundaries of the english language. To "pull a Kane & Lynch" is to, in a sense, fail so badly that your fail actually implodes on itself like a giant black hole and becomes a win.

Bob: Hey Bob, I pulled a Kane & Lynch today.
Bill: Oh so you threw away all your hopes and dreams?
Bob: Yeah, pretty much.

by Domino July 15, 2011

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Often associated with the family Kuniva, Domino is also a term used for someone that is talented with 3d graphics and modelling programs, and various other forms of art. Also known to be said by noobs and oldbies alike infear while playing games online.
See also TurksZenoRenoRelifeDrgnZmb

Oh SHIT, It's Domino!

by Domino December 13, 2004

8πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž