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"The Gem of Norfolk County"....not really. The town sucks. Period. No restaurants, a "downtown" that is littered with consignment shops, shitty pizza joints, and several empty buildings that would actually make good restaurants. Overridden by uneducated townies that constantly talk about how great their Div 3 high school football team was in 1994...and have done shit since. The other half is a bunch of transplanted wannabe yuppies that grew up in greater Boston (i.e. civilization), that eventually migrated to over priced subdivisions to form their own little sheltered communities, where bored housewives are gratuitously banging their husband's friends after consuming large quantities of "Two buck chuck" from Trader Joe's. Foxboro is possibly the most uncultured and xenophobic town in Massachusetts. IT FUCKING BLOWS..don't move here.

Foxboro: "The Armpit of Norfolk County"

by Dongshow October 30, 2017

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