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What some may consider a reference to a mythical-magical Christian Jesus, or not, which places emphasis on the fact that often a large part of organized some religion is a money-making scam designed by charismatic and unscrupulous religious-leaders to separate the gullible and poorly educated from their money which greatly overshadows any actual mundane benefits given to the religious community as it instead lines the pockets of and enriches the religious leaders.

Je$u$ wants you to give to the BIG-church so the pastor can get a new Mansion and Jet to seduce his concubines with as he uses the tax code "Every organization exempt from federal income tax under IRS 501(a) must file an annual information return except: 1) A church .... " to remain unaccountable and hide the fact that he is just scamming people from their money instead of using the funds for social good as was intended by the religious exception in the tax code -- make religious institutions accountable by demanding they file an accounting form, like most every other charitable organizations must do, since large and small religious institutions have proven over and over again that they can't police themselves.

by DoorKnobHead March 28, 2019


Misspelling based on the word Fellatio, also known as oral sex on a man.

The corporate news media goes to great lengths to keep congratulating itself on being progressive, when it is actually being regressive. When do not need all this auto-PHILATING fan-fare in the "news".

by DoorKnobHead August 28, 2016