When something is so banterous it should be made illegal, or should require laws to be put in place to contain such high level Banter
alex "i genuinely cant believe that its possible for one man to get so many apology letters on fifa"
db "mate i'd say thats beyond standard banterous levels, thats absolute criminal bants "
A banterino with unrivaled banter hailing from banterville. Often abbreviated to simply bantercoot. Reference to the lovable video game character Crash Bandicoot
rick " i cant believe how much banter that bantersaurus rex has"
Louis " yh that guy is some next level crash bantercoot"
10👍 1👎
A synonym for banterous and banter, and a pun on the film title Gran Torino (2008) Starring Clint Eastwood
DB "that was some next level banterino"
14👍 7👎