Having duel heritage Indian and Moroccan, a child of joint Indian and Moroccan parents.
Wow she is beautiful, she must be Indomaroc.
I refer to myself as Indomaroc
A tiggle bag can be a extremely annoying person . That you forcefuly tiggle inorder to get some rest bite.
You tiggle bag ! Im going to to tiggle you just leave me alone.
Within the rules cutting through bull**** and red tape to get directly to the issue.
The professor took a legitimate shortcut to ensure the sanity of his students and colleagues.
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CTLA, Cloud Teaching Learning and Assessment, a method of describing online learning in the the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to bring remote learning to the masses.
This was first mentioned by Dr Sage Lal during COVID 19 Epademic.
To understand CTLA you must think of teaching methods not practiced in side the class.
CTLA is moving away from defacto style teaching, learning and assessment to imagine a classroom in the ethereal.