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Bob Crane

"Hogan" on "Hogan's Heroes." He was also a sex addict who got killed by a pervy friend.

"After Hogan's Heroes, Bob Crane got his skull crushed in by a friend who videotaped him having rough sex." - Peter Griffin of the Family Guy

by Dr. Heywood R. Floyd March 13, 2008

20πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The year that the world's largest time capsule, "The Crypt of Civiliation" in Atlanta, is scheduled to be opened.

circa year 6000 --

Archeologist 1: Whoo-hoo! I just located a motherlode of info on a civilization four thousand years old.

Archeologist 2: Wait! You can't open it. It says, "Do not open till 8113." Too bad.

Archeologist 1: Darn.

by Dr. Heywood R. Floyd April 9, 2007

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


a now obsolete adjective popular as a business buzzword among yuppies in the early eighties. It described a worker who was very smart and very fast-paced.

This meaning of "crack" was forced out by the drug, crack, in the mid-eighties. Sort of like you can't say "gay" to mean "happy" anymore.

That was a good move to hire him; he's crack.

by Dr. Heywood R. Floyd May 20, 2007

23πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


a guard employed by Blackwater USA and stationed in Iraq. They tend to shoot anything that moves.

"...the Blackguards and their spokesman CLAIMED to have been under attack, possibly from Iraqi police." - Justin Raimondo, antiwar.com

by Dr. Heywood R. Floyd October 5, 2007

14πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


a girl who is gross, but a hottie. She burps, farts, scratches her butt and when she picks her nose or ears yells, "Jackpot!"

Particularly desirable as a girlfriend as she's hot... and being gross herself, she can never be disgusted with you because she is disgusting herself.

Marry her.

You hit the jackpot, brotha! YouҀ™ve got a girlfriend who can never get on your case for being disgusting because sheҀ™s even more disgusting. Sonny is gross and a hottie. SheҀ™s a Grottie!

by Dr. Heywood R. Floyd August 20, 2010

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Humpty Dumpty

a person who re-defines words to suit himself, rather than using words the way the dictionary defines them.

From Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking Glass":

`When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less.'

`The question is,' said Alice, `whether you can make words mean so many different things.'

`The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, `which is to be master -- that's all.'

Person 1: I'm hungry.

Person 2: You don't know the meaning of "hungry" till you've been starving like the hordes in the third world.

Person 3: Bullshit! Look it up in the dictionary, Humpty Dumpty!

by Dr. Heywood R. Floyd April 26, 2010

24πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


1) one of the triplets who came up from hell to do Azrael's bidding in "Dogma." When they were alive, they were baby-killers. That's why they were in hell.

2) anything having to do with hell.

This sentence doesn't have "stygian" in it.

by Dr. Heywood R. Floyd March 18, 2008

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