Source Code

Van Halen

A sexual act in which a man is treated like an electric guitar, his face being the neck of the guitar, and his genitals being the strumming area. Alternatively, a woman could receive a Van Halen in the reverse position, her face being strummed and her netherparts being fingered.

Did you get a Van Halen last night?
Yeah, man. She wailed on me like a Fender.

by Dr. Mung May 10, 2004

55πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž

george clooney

American actor whose picture is used exclusively to plooney.

I need a new picture of George Clooney to plooney with.

by Dr. Mung March 28, 2004

46πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


n. a wet vagina

The wetter the shloop, the better the plooney.

by Dr. Mung March 18, 2004

30πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


n. a woman not in touch with her sexuality

Mary, you're such a clitfor.
What's a clitfor?

by Dr. Mung April 8, 2004

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

rusty trombone party

n. A male-only party where the guests show up pants-less and give each other rusty trombones til they all pass out.

Dude, are you going to Steve's rusty trombone party next thursday??

by Dr. Mung March 30, 2004

209πŸ‘ 191πŸ‘Ž

penis party

n. A party hosted by a woman, where all the guests are male. The men wear all black except for crotch-less pants. They dress their erect penises in miniature tuxedos and everybody has a grand old time.

Mary's been really depressed lately. We should throw her a penis party!

by Dr. Mung March 30, 2004

312πŸ‘ 156πŸ‘Ž


n. A friend who will help you mung by stomping on the dead pregnant woman's stomach so you can suck the mung that spews from her vagina.

This sucks! All my mungbuddies are out of town!

by Dr. Mung March 30, 2004

17πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž