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The Boi is a wild South African speicies of bird.They are one of the few cold blooded birds in the world.
They pounce on their pray but have sometimes been known to pounce on humans www.youtube.com/Boi-Sightings.
Boiies (plural form of Boi) somtimes are known for hoarding food in the boot of cars,they then proceed to spend the winter in the car.The South African Goverment passed a law in 2004 saying "It affects the lifestyles of the bird it is a criminal offence to disterb the bird-you could be charged with community service if you violate the law, however if you kill the bird you could be met with 4 nights in jail as the bird is endangerd,"

"Don't kill the Boi boi!
"Shouted the mother.

by Dr.pottato-man April 3, 2018