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A rare species of teenager aged 13-18 that lack the most fundamental things in life. For example social understanding and a functioning body for activities such as walking. This means they tend to be shaky and unnatural in most environments when walking and talking to others. They are content being by themselves and believe they would function well being independent,however, what they don't realize is that they would greatly suffer without the little support they get from others. Lastly, they think that they are able to change and make themselves something they will never be (a normal functioning young adult) and therefore will only make it a little bit into the 'change process' and give up soon after, making excuses to others. An example of this would be "Yeah, i'm going to go back to the gym soon, but first I need to get some gym clothes. Just wait and see the results in a few months". After that is said nothing happens.

"He is such a Faganator"

"That is a classic Faganator move" -> In reference to the 'gym clothes excuse'

by Drackaza September 5, 2015