Squasages aka sausages by anyone who can not say or spell sausages. These are the meaty products stolen by the Crocomedile in Punch & Judy.
Oh no, the Crocomedile has me squasages, what is Judy going to say.
Pronounced: T-POTT. An abbreviation for The People of the Turnpike & refers to members of the Travelling community.
I saw an encampment of TPOTTs on the roadside.
Crocomedile aka crocodile by anyone who can not say or spell crocodile. This is the squasage stealing, green, water dwelling animal with many teeth seen in Punch & Judy.
Oh no, the crocomedile has the squasages, what is Judy going to say.
The head dress better known as a niqab or the person who wears such a garment. It refers to the eye slit in the head dress being similar to the slot you would put toast into.
The term also refers to a Cylon, from the TV series BattleStar Galactica.
In 2010, France became the first European country to ban full face coverings, including a niqab aka Toaster Oven, in public areas.