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North Dakota

The freezing hell of a state that no one wants to live in. There's literally nothing to do here. This place truly sucks, the only people who say that its okay are the ones that have never left it. Some facts about North Dakota are:

It has 8 months of winter followed by 2 weeks of spring, 3 months of summer, and 2 weeks of fall. Rinse and repeat cycle.

It only has 3 major cities, which are more like big towns than cities, Minot, Bismark, and Fargo. With little villages sprinkled on the highways.

Every single grade you have to learn about how fucking Lewis and Clark "discovered" the wester side of America. I've learn about it 4 times already, 4 FUCKING TIMESS AHHHHH.

Overall, North Dakota can go fuck itself.

Friend: What's North Dakota like?
You: so...cold....dying....please....help me....

by Dragon_Queen7878 September 19, 2020

8👍 4👎