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selective disinformation

Basically, it's when someone purposefully gives someone else false information, otherwise known as lying.

Victim: Dude, I thought you said she totally wanted go out with me!

Lier: Selective disinformation my friend.

Victim: What the fuck does that mean!?

by Dreggs March 10, 2008

34👍 1👎


A really out-of-this-world kind of girl! She has the sweetest personality and smile, the nicest brown eyes, beautiful brown hair, incredible personality. I'm not sure how other guys think of her, but I know I'd love to hold her in my arms and look into each other's eyes...
A girl who is currently the crush of a guy with the initials B.D.

"I caught Adriana staring at me lately, I think I'm gonna make my move on Tuesday!"

by Dreggs May 14, 2018

2👍 2👎


A Julia is a very sweet girl, whom I admire greatly. She is a humongeous bookworm and not too interested in sports. She likes one person and tries to stick to it - that person is lucky to have a Julia on to him! A Julia is also very attractive and most likely the nicest, most adventurous, most beautiful, and cutest girl one will ever meet in their entire life.

I think of Julia all the time! Julia is the cutest girl I've ever met!

by Dreggs January 8, 2018

13👍 3👎