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Hair Covering The Eyes

My personal definition of bangs - Uriel 2017

I don't like saying the word bangs, I rather say hair covering the eyes

by Drhymen September 13, 2017


Getting shafted by a game even tho you are inherently bad at it & blaming the fault on packet loss, poor connection, calling the game trash, calling better players cheaters.

I just got medeirosed!! Guy was eating domers and didnt die! Sick of all these modders using mouse & keyboard, such bullshit & the games always lagging, this game is such trash

by Drhymen August 8, 2019

Sad Kautz

Originated from David Katz. Our "dear" friend Kautz who unfortunately looks exactly like David. Is when someone says something that offends or hurts your feelings

In a galaxy far far away... virgins watched a completely made of nonsense film and created a religion. Civilization labelled them Betas! He felt like a Sad Kautz

by Drhymen September 8, 2018