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Man Mocha

The manliest of mocha coffees. It is a strong and manly caffeinated drink, originating in the Puerto Vallarta area.

Definite not to be confused with the mocha man.

Rebecca wasn't ready for how strong the man mocha was. But she sure was glad the mocha man was there.

by DrunkenDuncan November 22, 2018


When you have to take a dump after having too much to eat in the bars and restaurants of Guadalajara.

Time is not on your side, this is an explosive event.

You respect and prioritize the pressures building in your bowels.

The 'dumpa is gonna happen, so you better be ready!

Bro, this food in Guadalajara has been amazing, but now I have a Guadaladumpa brewing.

Do you have any wet wipes? And maybe a helmet?

by DrunkenDuncan October 17, 2022