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To hinder or obstruct with thick or sticky matter; choke up.

Frank: "Man, I had some wild sex with Susy Q for 3 hours, then after a few orgasms I decided to take a leak--and god damn I got some bad split piss from all the clogging."
Paul: "You moron, everyone knows you have to sit down when you piss after ejaculation!"

by Drunkenbeaverexploitationsects(FRATZ) January 22, 2007

11πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

split piss

This occurs when there is clogging in the urethra due to the remaining residue of ejaculation, either from masturbation or copulation. The clogging results in your urine shooting in any direction but the direction you want it to go. Your legs, shirt, toilet seat, sink, floor, and even face will become drenched in a yellow spray.

It is always a good idea to sit on your toilet seat after ejaculation to prevent split piss.

by Drunkenbeaverexploitationsects(FRATZ) January 22, 2007

87πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

punch bowl

1. A bowl to drink punch out of!

2. When someone is taking a toke out of a pipe and you punch the bowl, in an attempt to bring contact between the toker's face and the burning weed! Only do this when the weed is some dirty shwag, or risk losing some nice grass.

1. Need a definition? Are you stoopid?

2. Cuno: How did you get that burn on your face?
Pita: That ass Mark punch bowl'd me yesterday, and it was MY fucking weed!

by Drunkenbeaverexploitationsects(FRATZ) January 22, 2007

15πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Is same as frats, but this has a z.

If you type fratz instead of frats, your cool factor will go up 1029387 points!!11

by Drunkenbeaverexploitationsects(FRATZ) January 22, 2007

12πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

hungry hippo

The alternate definition only tells half the story; this big-boned female will get a taste of the cock, but then her hunger will overtake her. She'll rip off the penis, chomp into the hip, rip off your legs and put 'em in BBQ sauce, then put the rest of you in a deep fryer.

What the HELL are you doing you hungry hippo? AUUGHH MY PENIS.... AUUGHHH MY HIPS.... AUGHH MY LEGS.... NOT THE DEEP FRYER...! AUUUUGHHHHH....

by Drunkenbeaverexploitationsects(FRATZ) January 22, 2007

34πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


1. Progress.

2. Signs of said progress, often used in relationships to mark reasons why they should still stay together.

3. The time interval or distance between two vehicles, as automobiles, ships, or railroad or subway cars, traveling in the same direction over the same route.

1. Headway in a career.

2. John Doe: "You have to give me some headway here, I'm trying..."

3. Suzie Q: "He's not giving me any headway, I'm gonna pull alongside him and honk my horn and give him a piece of my mind!"

by Drunkenbeaverexploitationsects(FRATZ) January 22, 2007

22πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


1. To credit or assign, as to a cause or source; attribute; impute.
2. To attribute or think of as belonging, as a quality or characteristic.

I ascribed her as a sexy fox with no brains who needs to hop in my bed and play Where's Waldo?.

by Drunkenbeaverexploitationsects(FRATZ) January 25, 2007

19πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž