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A life support for smart phones; often prevents people from going apeshit when their phone dies.

person: awww damnit my phone died, oh well I can just charge it with my charger. (sees that charger is broken) FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!

by Dubiks April 7, 2019

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Climate Change

A real fucking thing that is happening right now!

Don't listen to all of the bullshit saying that Climate Change isn't real because it fucking is.

by Dubiks November 11, 2018

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A religion on the internet thatҀ™s dedicated towards worshiping our lord and savior Shaggy

Shaggy only used 1% of his power to overpower Christianity with his new religion Shaggism

by Dubiks February 18, 2019

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unjust law

The only type of law that's made to be broken.

* example of unjust law in the 1950's*
"do-gooder": What are you doing? You know your not allowed to bring black people into your house. That's illegal.
Actual good person: Dude, people were throwing rocks at him, I had to get him inside.
Actual good person: Says the person who stones black people for fun.

by Dubiks December 1, 2018

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An excuse people have used for thousands of years as a way to mask their violent nature

victim: Why are you killing me?
mayan: We're using you as sacrifice for the gods.

by Dubiks December 30, 2019

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Queen Cunt

The queen of cunts aka the biggest bitch you'll ever meet. She's a sadistic whore with no redeemable qualities whatsoever. She has sex with everyone she sees just to give them STD's. When she's on her period, she turns into a raging monster and screams and belittles everyone she sees as less popular. She's made people commit suicide through consistent bullying and drama during her high school years. She uses her looks to seduce jocks and other hot guys in order to gain her power and popularity because they can't even see the hideous filth that lies in her heart. When she's done with high school she'll either end up working as a porn star where she'll spread her sexual diseases to as many people as possible, or she'll marry the richest person she can find and manipulate him into giving her all of the money he has rightfully earned.

Queen Cunt: OMG! Your such a fucking loser! Why don't you go die in a hole already and do everyone a favor.
(that's when she's not on her period)

by Dubiks August 25, 2018

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The period of time in life in which your whole life is controlled by another human being.

*example of person in adolescence*
adolescent: "Can I go hang out with Bobby today."
mom: "No."
adolescent: "Why not?"
mom: "Because I said so."

by Dubiks November 26, 2018

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