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The Immobile Stoplight Texter (IST) is a driver that misses the light turn green at a stop because they are busy with their phone or other portable device, causing whoever may be behind them to wait. Depending on the amount of lanes, two or more 'isters' may pull a multiple IST at the light if they are counting on the movement of each other in their peripherals to cue them to go.

A: Sorry I'm late, these two idiots pulled a double IST three times in a row and nobody near the front had the balls to honk them on.

B: That's nothing. Last week, these three stooges pulled a triple IST while I was hitting my car pipe just long enough for a cop to pull up and catch my shit. Thank Jebus that new texting while driving law passed-- pig was so pissed about the isters that all he needed was a reason to bust their asses, so I was home free!

by DuckLucker April 27, 2012