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Wow okay you actually typed this in...you must have a lot of time on your hands...here we go!

Oof is most commonly used in a game that goes by the name ROBLOX. You can hear the majestic call of oofers that clearly have no idea what the ham they’re doing. However even people that are PROS at the specific game will oof...at some point.

Anyways, back to the whole why did you even think about typing this in...WHY DID YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT TYPING THIS IN!?

Ya know what...it’s fine. I searched this up the same reason you did. Im not a stalker I just know why you did what you did XP


by Dude29007 September 16, 2018

Yeetus Yeetus go Commit Self Deletus

Pretty much the coolest way to say kys. Commonly used as a joke or by trolls on a highly played gaming platform that goes by the name of ROBLOX. Now, I play roblox and I must say that there’s no better roast that can bypass the chat filter. Well, last time I checked it did XD.

Sirgoofsalot: bro you’re a straw when it comes to this game...as in you only SUCK XDDD

MrStealYoGirl: you shall yeetus yeetus go commit self deletus

Sirgoofsalot has left the game

by Dude29007 October 29, 2018

9👍 4👎


Jackson is an...interesting individual. Usually scared of MANY things. Now, he’s nice. He’ll do pretty much anything for you as long as it means that he won’t get punched in the face. He tall, kinda on the strong side, and more or less a nerd. He can say things like “sports? What’s that?”. He doesn’t like any type of sport that involves running or kicking a ball. He still is able to keep fit...vitamins. Wears glasses, has dark hair and eyes, and can most of the time be seen with a whole bottle of sun screen. He’ll say he hates the sun and the best thing for you to say to him is “the sun hates you too”. Does this make you a good person? Pfff...no. Will you have regrets? Of course not! You’ll both laugh it off and be best buds again. Jackson won’t drink...he just won’t do it. Unless of course he’s a “bad boi for life” then I suppose there’s the occasional drink. BUT we’re talking about the NERD Jackson...mr motorcycles and tattoos of his mom is going to have to wait. Anyways, Jackson’s are gentlemen. They’ll hold the door open for you and will do whatever they can to get you to notice them. If you’re friends with a Jackson, copy their homework when you have the chance...they’re always right (please don’t take advice from me...I’m a mistake of a potato). In the end, Jackson is a nerd. A caring, sensitive, good looking, nerd. But always know that Jackson will always have your back...if it means there’s no fighting.

Boy 1) oh hey look it’s jax! Let’s go talk to him...

Boy 2) I’m sure he’s a neanderthal

Jackson) Neanderthals were actually relatively smarter than Australopithecus or other cave men. They had a sense of community unlike others. This led up to homo sapiens (us) having a bigger sense of community and feelings for each other.

Boy 1 and 2) ...

Random potato) NERD

by Dude29007 September 18, 2018