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Probably the worst game going. This game has some of the worst graphics, music and geeks/nerds you will ever see. I have frequently played this game and it is just awful. Every town is filled with geeks with their mith armour and they slate you because you have bronze armour on. The game is so goddamn addictive though, even though their is no point. I have spent hours on this game out of boredom and achieved NOTHING. I have spent hours standing in a crowded area arguing with geeks who have some sort of degree in contradiction. Dont go near this game, you will get sucked in and if you are like me and too lazy to do quests then dont play this game. Geeks follow you if you are a low level and wont GTF no matter how many times you tell them.

And... and if you spend alot of time on this and you get alot of stuff (Like I once actually did even though I regret it major bad) then you will eventually get hacked. You will get hacked and lose everything. You will lose everything you had spent those long long looong hours on and walk around with a chicken in your inventory.

People who play this game get sucked into a runescape dream. You lay awake in night, thinking of how your going to go pking and make armour and sell it. It never happens. You get sucked into some screwed up American Runescapy dream. Then if you do achieve your dream you get hacked by some geek in his basement who hasn't taken a toilet in a week.

To conclude. This game is awful.
At one point in my life I was one of those "geeks in a basement who hadn't had a toilet in a week" and from my experience I wouldn't recommend it. It Sucks.

Runescape in a nutshell.

Walk around killing big pixely monsters talking to major nerds along the way.

Hey do you want to go pking

No im doing this quest and I have to kill the ice troll he's level 85

Woah thats major, im away to vally to get some mith armoud

What off the money I gave you



Random runescape "nerd who cant face the fact he's a nerd" - Your all total losers


Random "nerd who cant face the fact he's a nerd"- I'll kill you

by DukeWellington March 29, 2009

8👍 7👎