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What the hedge

Alternative exclamatory phrase / question for what the fuck or what the hell, primarily the latter. Mostly useful for when a substitute swear word is necessary, like around young kids and censor-minded folks, and other such phrases, like what the fudge are considered to be too close to what they're supposed to replace.

"What the hedge was that?" or "What the the hedge was going on back there?

by Duraiken December 1, 2010

4👍 1👎


Tired of hearing about politics and things related to politics, especially Democrats and Republicans, and wanting nothing to do with anything related to politics.

That has to be the 900th time NBC News celebrated Trump not winning the 2020 Presidential Election this week. I think I'm politisick of all this bullshit.

by Duraiken January 26, 2021


Quick and dirty for Political BullShit, referring to whatever aspect of politics the user of the word is currently angry about.

Trump is in the news again which means more P-BS is on the way again.

by Duraiken June 15, 2017

Urb Dict Dick

Someone obsessed with inventing and posting pointless words and phrases to Urban Dictionary.

Henry proved he is a genuine Urb Dict Dick when he posted his fiftieth entry to Urban Dictionary.

by Duraiken August 21, 2022

Substitute swear word

Any word or phrase that is used in place of a swear word or swear phrase or other frowned-upon word or phrase. Common examples of this include heck for the word hell, pecker for the word dick, butt for the word ass, what the fudge for the phrase what the fuck, what the heck or what the hedge for the phrase what the hell, and so forth.

Words and phrases like these are commonly used in front of children by parents or family members when they would otherwise use a swear word. There are many such words or phrases, sometimes having been in use for generations, others more recently invented.

Heck is such a substitute swear word for hell

by Duraiken December 1, 2010

42👍 29👎