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Something worthy of positive acknowledgement is said to exist.
Synonyms: rule, kick ass

"This steak burrito totally exists."
"Man, the new Donnas album does NOT exist."

by Dutchman March 23, 2003

53👍 26👎

chin omlette

The act of ejaculating on a partners face.

She gave him head and he gave her a chin omlette

by Dutchman March 7, 2003

33👍 21👎


One who brags to his friends about the number of women he has had anal sex with.

The chicks at that bar found out he was a stumpjumper and would never go home with him.

by Dutchman March 7, 2003

39👍 57👎


A jewish person.
usually an insult when speakin english.

person1.that dude picked up a penny!person2.What a Yahoud!

by Dutchman March 6, 2004

21👍 6👎


marijuana--Named for the seminal psychedelic British rock band Hawkwind who have released records that are so fucked up that you don't actually require pot to get high!

"Dude, got any 'wind?" (using the abbreviation "'wind" is always appropriate when hanging out with rockers, and the phrase "hawking some wind" is also an acceptable, uh, thing)

by Dutchman March 23, 2003

52👍 15👎


1) rude, unfriendly, inhospitable, unwelcoming, xenophobic;
2) generally crappy, miserable;
3) excessively bureaucratic, full of red tape

1) Hey what's you're problem? Stop being so dutch.
2) Don't bother seeing that movie, it was totally dutch.
3) The DMV loves being dutch.

by Dutchman June 19, 2006

34👍 107👎