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A extremely shrunken male part or just a small one

Tom go to the doctor and have i check your shrinkle it shouldn't be that small.

by Duvalhomegrown September 16, 2018


A extremely shrunken male part or just a small one

Tom go to the doctor and have i check your shrinkle it shouldn't be that small.

by Duvalhomegrown September 16, 2018

7👍 1👎


A person who flops from like to dislike without stability

Dnuggs and Lone villain grows are the big floppyfish I've seen.

by Duvalhomegrown January 8, 2021


A universal word to take place of any word

Can you hand me that badine . i thinks john hit the badine way to hard .

by Duvalhomegrown September 16, 2018

27👍 7👎


A universal word use to replace other words

Can you help me #badine . u should probably grab tha badine before it goes badine.

by Duvalhomegrown June 29, 2018