The Deep Water Horizon is a very advanced sexual technique. CAUTION: Attempt at your own risk.
To begin Partner 1 must consumer massive quantities of expired milk, extra spicy salsa, chili, chimichangas and tacos. This is to be washed down with bottle of laxatives.
After sufficient time to process, Partner 1 assumes the 'Spill Position'... laying on their back, legs up and ass in the air.
Partner 2 then assumes the "Top Hat / Top Kill" position, by placing their mouth over Partner 1's anus, forming an air-tight seal.
Partner 1 will then release the contents of their rectum, while Partner 2 attempts to contain the spill.
This technique is general followed by the 'Louisiana Beach', where both partners will lie in bed on top of the anus spewed mess.
He just Deepwater Horizon'd the hell out of that girl!
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