Source Code

National Sex Day

June 9
The day in which couples (gay or straight) celebrate sex by having sex. The reason National Sex Day is on June 9th is because 6/9 closely resembles the popular sex position 69.

Honey, today is National Sex Day! Let's fuck!!!

by E-Dog1209 June 10, 2015

1775👍 330👎

Joni Ernst

Dumbass senator from Iowa

Joni Ernst does a better job castrating pigs than she does working in the senate

by E-Dog1209 February 15, 2016

16👍 2👎

prison rape

The funniest thing that cold ever happen to a sex offender

(1) Dude! Did you hear what happened to that Penn State coach? He got fucked in the shower last night! HAHAHAHAHA! Karma's a bitch, now he is one too!!!!!!

(2) In order to prevent prison rape, one must hold on to that soap and not drop it!

by E-Dog1209 February 15, 2016

45👍 12👎


A paper towel like device inserted in the rectum of a gay man or a prisoner in order to stop the leakage of cum coming out of their butt-hole

Corrections Officer Schmidt removed a long piece of toilet paper from Inmate 015612's ass. Upon examining it, Office Schmidt didn't find shit but rather a white substance that resembled semen. When questioned about the toilet paper, Inmate 015612 said that it was a manpon.

by E-Dog1209 February 15, 2016

29👍 8👎

National Fuck Day

June 9
The day in which couples (gay or straight) celebrate sex by having sex. The reason National Fuck Day is on June 9th is because 6/9 closely resembles the popular sex position 69.

Honey, today is National Fuck Day! Let's fuck!!!

If National Fuck Day is my half-birthday, does it still count as ABC Sex?

by E-Dog1209 September 26, 2016

395👍 86👎