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A female slut cockroach, who will not leave you alone. She bothers you like a cockroach crawling up your leg, by having stalker like characteristics.

"Man that sloach can't take a hint."

by E.J.Kyle March 7, 2007

10👍 22👎

aww that's cute

Said sarcasticly after one or more people say or do something they believe is cool, but was really just gay.

"Fuck you man, I'll kick your ass!"

"Aww that's cute, the little guy looks upset."

by E.J.Kyle March 8, 2007

33👍 20👎

samarai jack

A code word used to replace the name of a drug.

(On phone with parents nearby)

"Oh yea, thats cool, hey did you ever get that Samarai jack, on Blu-ray? Oh sweet, I'll be over later to watch it."

by E.J.Kyle March 8, 2007

3👍 16👎