Source Code


A BBC is a delicious type of chicken. BBC stands for Big Black Chicken, and they are very big indeed.

That mans BBC is huge!!!

by EDP4040450 February 1, 2022

My favorite letters in no particular order

TEhey are N, O, R, I, G, S, A, E, H, J, G, and L in no particular order

My favorite letters in no particular order but in a particular order are actually N, I, G, G-

by EDP4040450 February 1, 2022


A new computer sussy operating system. It is so drippy and sussy it is epic.

AmogOS is not virus! PLease instal.

by EDP4040450 February 1, 2022

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A non-functioning testicle, or NFT, is a testicle in a human body that does not function.

That guys doctor sent him an NFT

by EDP4040450 February 2, 2022


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.d8P' PP .d8P'.8 d) "8:88:baad8P'

,d8P' ,ama, .aa, .ama.g ,mmm d8P' 8 .8' 88):888P'

,d88' d8 "8..a8"88 ,8I"88 I88' d88 IaI" d8

a88' dP "bm8mP8'(8'.8I 8 d88' `" .88

,88I 8' .d'.8 88' ,8' I ,88P ,ama ,ama, d8 .ama.g
88' I8, .d' 8, ,88B ,d8 aI (88',88"8) d8 "8. 88 ,8I"88
88 `888P' `8888" "88P"8m" I88 88 8 dP "bm8m88.8I 8
88, _,,aaaaaa,_ I88 8" 8 P' .d' 88 88' ,8' I
`888a,. ,aadd88888888888bma. )88, ,I I8, .d' )88a8B ,d8 aI

"888888PP"' `8""""""8 "888PP' `888P' `88P"88P"8m" oops this shit is a ascii art

if ur here you have herpes now sussy balls

COc is fat and big and black

by EDP4040450 February 1, 2022

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A very much preferred offensive weapon by asian and hispanic middle aged mothers.

Sandals are an ancient craft of weapon, wielded by mothers

by EDP4040450 February 1, 2022

Hog rider

An absolute specimen of a troop who rides pigs and ur mom

Ay pardemos es el Hog rider

by EDP4040450 February 2, 2022

44πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž