Source Code


a sequence of numbers that equal 10 each

The teacher said what is 192837 on the keyboard?

by EDY28 June 28, 2021

69420 deeznutz

nicest nice thing ever

hey my password is 69420 deeznutz

by EDY28 July 3, 2021

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


an American skate 3 youtuber

my favorite youtuber is zexyzek

by EDY28 July 3, 2021

ha gotem

ha gotem

dan poured salt into joe's pasta. When joe eats his pasta he spits it out in disgust, then dan says "ha gotem"

by EDY28 July 3, 2021

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


the year boomers are borned

my grandpa was born in 1969 so hes a boomer

by EDY28 July 3, 2021


the unknown qwerty combo that i discovered

yuhjnm is a cool qwerty combo

by EDY28 July 3, 2021


a character in the movie mid-90s

my favorite character in mid-90s is Fuckshit

by EDY28 July 3, 2021