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the Alpha and the Omega; who is, and who was, and who is to come; the Almighty

Praise Eib!

by EIB September 16, 2003

16👍 16👎

black man

Your average UK black man will not be out on road shottin' but doin' his job at a desk in an office, pickin' up his son from school, visiting his mother and just the kind of thing everybody and every other race will do in the right social community. In the wrong social community a black male could be dealin' just like a white man or an asian or a latino man could be dealing. US Stereotypes should stop applying here in main-stream media, two different countries, one learned how to move on and accept each others faults... i think i know which one it is. - EIB your 15 year old white male from a poor part of a city that is mixed.

"Today a black man was seen shooting a police officer" your average news report
What wasn't reported was the white man doin' the same thing. Media is the only difference.

by EIB April 24, 2006

601👍 491👎


the wave of bullshit trying to be passed off as art by its creator/creators based simply on it being weird as hell

That isn't art, it's nothing but ert.

by EIB September 16, 2003

5👍 19👎

hautian high jump

When a hautian realizes that his or her life is utterly worthless at which time they climb to the top of the highest structure around and jump off, thus ending their misrable life.

see hautian

Poor Bubba did the hautian high jump.

by EIB October 31, 2003

20👍 17👎


the posterior region of women whose arses are incredibly large and hairy, so as to look like a cross between a tiger and an elephant.

Chad likes to pet the tigaphant.

by EIB September 16, 2003

5👍 4👎