Usually an African American Male, Doug prefers to wear black jeans with shorts underneath while sagging. Doug is a Real One. Doug dont care bout nothin, Doug usually walks and goes wherever Doug pleases. Doug usually appears way older than he actually is, and also never takes his prefered sneaker off. What is his prefered sneaker you may ask? Jordans...always Jordans. doug dont do work for nobody, Doug is what you might call rebelious. Some may see Doug walking around randomly, but nobody really knows where he is going, except for Doug's younger extremely close friends. Some say his name may also be Greg, but that is only an Urban Legend...
Dude, where is Doug going? No one knows one.
Usually an African American male, Doug preffers to wear Black Jeans with shorts under them while sagging. Doug is a Real One. Doug dont care bout nothin, Doug usually walks and goes wherever Doug pleases. Doug usually looks way older than he actually is, and also never takes his preffered shoe off. What's his preffered shoe you may ask? Jordans....always Jordans. Doug dont do work for nobody, Doug is what you might call rebelious, some may see him walking around randomly, but nobody really knows where he is going. Some say his name may also be Greg, but thats only an Urban Legend...
Dude, where is Doug going? No one knows...