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Man: Men can be divided into many groups by religion,race and culture all over the world

U.S.A empty headed porn obsessed,snuff obsessed p2 p sharing paedophiles or budding paedophiles

Lituainia: A dirty country with the most rascist people on earth..

Chechnya: Even worse.

Russia: Dont bother.

China: Only aborts female babies.

Japan: It is not illegal to view naked images of young girls in a sexual context online..maybe thats why there are so many americans there!

Vietnam: Some are in your soup (women)

Africa: The same.African sisters work hard but don't stand up to their man,who can have several wives and not only that DO NOT WORK.EVER.

France: Smelly cheesey cock.

Germany: STDS and BAD BREATH.

Sweden: The worst workplace womans rights ever.

Switzerland: The Same.

Ireland: Men can have as many prostitutes as the please.

England: Famous for using their wives heads as rugby balls.

Scotland the same.

Wales: even worse.and its overrun by throwbacks to the middle ages.. :(

White: Not always the ''CATCH'..Can be prone to passing on S.T.D.S..White men are staticallay known for their over use of prostitutes and are highly oversexed..In ''White'' culture it is okay for a man to have many girlfriends and or prostitutes,but not for his white girlfriend..if she tries shit on she might get beat up by the mean girls who worship STD infested COCK.

Wierd HUH?...I KNOW!

Black guys: Very beast animal like very much in the physical dimension(hey im not being rascist i am half black and half white)..They will hit pussy ..any pussy..

Asian Guys: Sterotypically known as neantherthals and mysoginists not all are but some are real nasty in some parts of the world it is okay for an asian man to beat a woman to death..even if she is not in the wrong,this is typically done by the cousins of the spouse and the spouse himself and of course the male elders and the bitter female matriarch..who in some cases sets the whole thing up..

Men are the reason for the oppression of women all over the world and still are opressing them even in developed countries like the U.S.A..Demand EQUAL PAY

by EVILVILLAGEPEOPLE October 23, 2010

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