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he·ro (hîr'ō) pronunciation
n., pl. -roes.

1. A term now automatically extended to members of the Police, Fire, and Military regardless of their satisfaction of the criteria of the definition of a hero, and regardless of the fact that all three are compensated, voluntary positions, and clearly not all of them are "heroes".

The cops I see being total dicks for OBVIOUSLY no real reason other than being in a bad mood that day, or just being an a**hole.

The firemen I see strutting around or looking at their new cars out front. One of them has a whole "superman" theme, and I presume that Shaq isn't a firefighter... (although he is an honorary police hero in miami or something) which just makes the superman guy kind of a dick, he's not anybody's hero.

The military guys I see have a much bigger commitment than the guys I see not being heroes usually... and as a result tend to be possible heroes more often. Some of the generals that got sh*tcanned for understanding what might actually be required in Iraq and saying so long ago might be heroes... especially the ones that make enough noise about it. But come on, you become property of the US gov't... how does that enter into the equation... I think intent matters. After a while, I think the military guys change modes. They change from a doing it because they have to, and it is their chosen paying job as reasons, to their families, buddies, country, superiors in that order of importance... so if they end up risking their lives for each other, then the heroism potential goes up. I'm not saying that none of any of these guys are heros, what I am saying is that hero used to have the bar set pretty high... now these guys are automatic heroes, which can only mean that a hero means less.

by EagleNest November 8, 2006

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