A fancy word for just the right word someone is lucking for. The last t in mot and the last e in juste is not pronounced (since it is a french word (french pronunciation rules))
Example 1
Person A: At first I did not like Alex he seemed a bit unsympathetic, well not unsympatheic but not that talkative and a bit reserved, you know what I mean.
Person B: You mean introverted
Person A: precisely le mot juste
Example 2 (From Frasier Season 5 Episode 8)
Frasier: Wait! Wait, my God, it's really for the sake of our future
relationships. I mean, it just, I know that you're afraid to
hurt my feelings but I can stand a little constructive
criticism. Now, come on, please, what do you think are my
main faults?
Daphne: Well, if I had to choose, I'd say you are a bit of a fuss
Frasier: Fuss budget! Well, listen, if you don't mind the
substitution, I think maybe "demanding" is more the mot
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A term used to describe the political turmoil caused by Russian ambition for expansion in central Asia. Britain was worried that this would eventually lead to a Anglo-Russian war and threaten Britain's claim to India. The term is not used much to day but it is perhaps mostly associated with the novel Kim. Kim is a novel written by Rudyard Kipling, a British poet and journalist who was in favor of colonialism.
Had Britain supported the Mujaheddin forces in the SovietΓ’ΒΒAfghan War, then it could have evoked memories of the great game
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Is a French word for cottage or more specially a cottage around the alps. Still in some cases it may refer to any cottage. One important thing to remember is that the t at the end is not pronounce.
Marcus is taking his girlfriend to his chalet near St. Moritz.
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Means high quality, litarly blue ribbon. A possible explanation of the orgin of the words meaning is that at competions in France the winner would get a blue ribbon, hence blue ribbon became to be associatied with the best.
Marcus: Last month I went to a nice little bistroesque restaurant on the hilltop overlooking the city, had an exquisite Buridda (Italian dish from Liguria), accompanied with an equally fine wine and a fabulous date.
Jacques: So, in other words a dinner cordon bleu
Marcus: Pretty much
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Someone who has become rich so fast he does not possess manners and taste befitting the upper class. Synonym of parvenu.
The Russian millionaires who became rich in the nighties are the epitome of a pretentious arriviste.
To get along with someone really well. It is quite commonly used but still somewhat obscure, in other words possibly a good word to impress someone.
After many years of hard work and dedication, I have achieved a good rapport with my sister.
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It means of course or obviously. The last letter u is pronounce more like ΓΒΌ in German.
Rebecca: So did you remember to buy rosΓΒ© wine for the pistou ( soup form Provence)?.
Alexander: Bien entendu, it is the quintessential drink for a pistou.