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General response used by conspiracy theorists to deny that covid is a major issue.

Intelligent person: Wear a mask, social distance and protect your grannies and grandads. Covid is a serious disease killing many people worldwide, especially older people, however there have been reported cases of babies, children and teenagers teenagers dying of the virus.

Conspiracy theorist: FEARMONGERING!

by Eddie the Head March 17, 2021

6👍 25👎

Mainstream Music


Most people in my school listen to Mainstream Music and it and due to them playing it so much whilst I was in earshot, it gave me ear cancer.

by Eddie the Head May 23, 2022


Not a race! Hispanics are individuals or migrants of spanish speaking countries or people who were raised among spanish cultures. You may refer to hispanic as people from Mexico, Columbia or Puerto Rico. I see why people get confused as many Mexicans have brown skin, but the only reason is because many Mexicans are mixed with Native American and Spanish which is the result of colonialism in the Americans over 400 years ago, so obviously interracial couples (Native American and Iberian) had children which causes Hispanics to have such a distinctive genetic makeup. However, Hispanics can be of be of any race. They can be Asian, black, white, Native and Arab.

Hispanics are not a race; they're an ethnicity! (Except in American government logic).

by Eddie the Head July 8, 2021


Naughty sugar which helps you forget how much life sucks

Gimme some of that cocaine man

by Eddie the Head February 12, 2023


Simply one of the best black metal bands with a dark theme, and songs about death, Satan and hatred

Darkthrone is the tits

by Eddie the Head July 23, 2023


The first stage of the grieving process where people try to reassure themselves that their loved one hasn't died, which is a completely normal grieving process because it is the brain's way of pacing the grieving process to deter one from going off the rails.

Denial is a normal part of the grieving process

by Eddie the Head September 2, 2022


A purposeful attempt to distort the opponent's argument to make it easier to attack.

Person A: I think driving under the influence of alcohol is bad.

Person 2: Oh so we should ban alcohol?

Person 1: Well that's a strawman and a half......

by Eddie the Head September 4, 2021

20👍 3👎