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To block the path to progress, specifically by lifetime politicians who look out for themselves and their friends.

I'd rather a politician do nothing than incumber us with more needless taxes and regulations.

by Edmond LaRose September 7, 2006


The collection of roped-off lines you stand in at those mega-movie complexes.

I was halfway through the cinemaze when I realized I was in line for the wrong movie.

by Edmond LaRose September 6, 2006


The collection of roped-off lines you stand in at those mega-movie complexes.

I was half-way through the cinemaze when I realized I was in line for the wrong movie.

by Edmond LaRose September 6, 2006

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The urge to maim, kill, and destroy. (noun)

After being turned down for yet another grant, Archie was overwhelmed by a complete sense of murgertroy.

by Edmond LaRose August 25, 2006


Noun. 1. A cross between a quack and a cackle. 2. An irritating staccoto laugh.

Verb. To laugh in a cackling staccoto manner.

Did you hear the Senator's quackle during her interview? It sent chills up my spine.

by Edmond LaRose September 24, 2007

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Those disgusting little crumbs and bits of dried food that collect in and around your computer keyboard from eating at your workstation. n.

1. Jeff, if you don't clean your workstation, those slobloggets are are going to start growing potatoes.

2. He's the worse sloblogger I've ever seen. (var)

by Edmond LaRose September 1, 2006


The bits of food matter that fly onto your mirror while flossing your teeth.

I need to wash those flojectiles off my bathroom mirror before the Health Department shuts me down.

by Edmond LaRose September 5, 2006

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