Source Code


A girl's vagina

That girl's workstation is pretty dirty, might wanna stay away from that for a while

by Daysend February 11, 2010

10👍 7👎

NT 4 Workstation

See NT

by Gary Destruction July 22, 2003

11👍 2👎

Microsoft WindowsNT Workstation 4.0

A babey that is made to live and be happy.
dont ask

1. " Hey bro, ever heard of Microsoft WindowsNT Workstation 4.0 "
" You mean the babey? "
" .. "
2. " Microsoft WindowsNT Workstation 4.0 is cute, and you can't deny it. "
3. " Microsoft WindowsNT Workstation 4.0 is trash. "
" **pulls knife out** whatcha said? "

by Bloxxin&Chilling#6185 April 27, 2020

Workstation Vacation

This is what occurs when your overbearing, micro-managing boss is not in the office for the day and you finally have a chance to relax and enjoy your day and co-workers. Usually, little or no actual work is accomplished during this time, so you are on a kind of vacation even though you are at work.

Jim, why is everyone smiling and laughing over here today? What happened?

Nothing. We're all just on a workstation vacation because Janet is out for the day at a conference.

by c2herr March 22, 2011