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"That’s the phrase coined by Steven Pinker to describe a brain disorder that strikes liberals and makes them incapable of recognizing progress... It’s like situational blindness, only what you can’t see is that your dorm in 2021 is better than the South before the Civil War.” - Comedian Bill Maher

“If you think America is more racist now than ever, more sexist than before women could vote, and more homophobic than when blow jobs were a felony, you have Progressophobia and you should adjust your mask because its covering your eyes." - Comedian Bill Maher

"...saying White Power and privilege is at an all-time high, is just ridiculous. Higher than a century ago, the year of the Tulsa Race Massacre? Higher than the years when the KKK road unchecked and Jim Crow went unchallenged? Higher than the 1960s, when the Supremes and Willie Mays still couldn't stay in the same hotel as the white people they were working with? Higher than during Slavery? And I mean actual Slavery, not Prince doesn't like his contract Slavery." - Comedian Bill Maher

by EducatingMillennialsandGenZ July 4, 2021


Before you. A measurement of time describing history before a person was born.

"Because here's the thing kids, there actually was a world before you got here" - Comedian Bill Maher

"We date human events A.D. & B.C. but we need a third marker for Millennials and Gen Z... B.Y.: Before You." - Comedian Bill Maher

by EducatingMillennialsandGenZ July 4, 2021