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The weird smug woman who thinks she knows it all, because of some bullshit licensures that now make her talk out of her ass to hand out bs embellished labels. Usually a fucktard sophomaniac you can find spitting out labels so you'll be illusioned she's a genius with her bs rhetoric almost like a cult leader to fuck with your mind.

Therapist "You are disilllioned. Client "No, weird lady just bitter from you idiots. Therapist " You are non compliant."

by Egosdeathdoor March 30, 2022

2👍 1👎

Mental Midget

Looney Left Wingers that only listen to and believe the talking points from their fellow colleagues. They don't look up the information and check much for themselves. They believe that Progressivism a.k.a. Socialism (then comes Fascism - Communism - Marxism) is better than Capitalism. That people can be put in a box not through hell. They have no common sense and are entitled to license whatever over complicated DSM pigeonhole box they are legally allowed for code billing. They'll throw you under the bus in negative context to protect themselves from liability and double under codes for more money.

Pretty much a Mental Midget is

a person who believes that one plus one equal three
1 + 2 = 3 because that is what he was indoctrinated by the Far Left to believe.

That's what government insurance employs

The mental midget is philophizing again.

by Egosdeathdoor March 19, 2023