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1. an alcoholic beverage that combines the finished product of fermented starches; commonly known as beer; as well as a liquor distilled from molasses; commonly known as rum; furthermore, the combination of beer and rum is a potent alcoholic beverage that cannot be purchased at any retailer because of the unlimited liability and potential risks; this product should only be mixed by professionals.

2. due to the cross-contamination of alcoholic products this may or may not be legal in your country of residence; before engaging in drinking the defined word, ask a professional if this product is legal to drink without penal sanctions.

3. refer to term "blackout" and/or "hangover" the following morning after consuming this alcoholic beverage to further understand your symptoms

I had no money to buy alcohol; therefore, I stole beer and rum from my parents and wanted to get drunk quicker. In order to do so I mixed the beer and rum together and coined my new cocktail "brum."

by EightWonder April 13, 2011

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