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Small , Pale , Gamer who is to smart for his own good and very sarcastic. Always zonked

Albert , nuff said

by El'Bobert March 9, 2010

47👍 45👎


Ones belife to live the life style of a Newfie (Newfoundlander) Which means partying all night and hangovers all day , and the most sexualy active youth in Canada.

Dude what religion are you.

Fucking Newfienism man.

by El'Bobert March 9, 2010

10👍 3👎


A good view of a rare end

Look at that apple shaped phadonkadonk , shes struting.

by El'Bobert March 9, 2010


The slang term for vagina and or hot girls about.

Poutang 9 o'clock Mitch.

She has a nice phadonkadonk.

by El'Bobert March 9, 2010

52👍 15👎


The proudest people in Canada , which are from Newfoundland , Which is been called the most sexualy active province , and famous for its wide variety of bars.

Yesss by ima Newfie Whas it to ya by?

by El'Bobert March 9, 2010

195👍 85👎