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Baroning is the act of casually lying by inventing stories or modifying existing ones.

Baroning probably has its origins in Latin America and became a worldwide phenomenon in late 2018.

The word is derived from the famous German Baron Münchhausen (1720-1797), a guy that casually lied his way around. His most famous thief pistols (for definition see urban dictionary) were:
- riding on a canon ball over the enemy lines, scouting their positions, and then casually stepping over onto an oncoming cannon ball in the opposite direction to return to his groups

Spanish: baronear
German: baroning

English: "He really baroned his way out of this story when his wife asked him about his whereabouts last night."

"She said she can't make it tonight, because there's a problem with the door lock" - "sounds like classic baroning to me"

Spanish: Esta chica colombiana está baroneando muchísimo últimamente, es una verdadera pistolera de ladrón

by ElBarón June 2, 2019