A small town in eastern PA. There's something about the place that's eerily similar to a magnet. Once you're here, you're sort of stuck. Try to leave all you like-- meet a girl 40 miles away and move to her town to try and escape, move to a different state, or resign yourself-- it's all the same.
One would be remiss not to mention the atmosphere of Stroudsburg. Although one could point to the bustling night life that comes with the towns nauseating abundance of bars, Nothing encapsulates it better than the town's mall. A building of squandered and long since passed potential that just becomes more akin to a wasteland with each passing day.
The town's population is a hodgepodge of urbanites who moved here from the larger cities that would rather be back where they came from and the common Pennsylvanian yokel who see no wrong with where they reside. However, the townsfolk have already found who they like and don't like.
All in all, Stroudsburg is a small augean stable with the tired and clear facade of a wonderful place to live. There's a smell that permeates the area like a gaseous haze and none who live here would say it's pleasant. Broken sidewalks, townies, and a cemetery that everyone seems to have gotten fellatio at that's adjacent to the high school. That place sucks too. Run as far as you want, seek solace somewhere else. Stroudsburg will always be behind you.
"Stroudsburg was not where I meant to spend the rest of my life, but for some reason it still calls to me. Hey... you wanna smoke later and walk on main street while complaining about how stuck we are?"