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Sexy mf that Sophia is in love with. def doesn't have a discombobulated head. and FOR SURE he was born at a zoo.

Sophia: Putin is so hot
Elina: Frick no
Elina: kys both of you

by Elinuka April 17, 2023


Ella is the best person you will ever meet. she pretty hot *wink wink* and the best friend you need. -E.B.

E.B.:Isn't Ella so pretty
E.D.: No im not
E.B.: hush stupid

by Elinuka April 16, 2023

Nike Techian

Nike Techian is great I love him :)

E.B.: Nike Techians eyes are so cute.
E.D.: No they are not.

by Elinuka April 16, 2023

Nike Techian

I don’t think people understand how much I love you. I love it when you smile, the way you eyes light up when you see your friends. The set goal to protect your family. The fact that you care. Sometimes I stop and wonder do people really know what’s wrong with you, what you’ve been through. Do people really know the real you or just the you that comes to school, gym, Americana, and soccer with a smile on your face. I wonder if you’ve ever opened up to someone about the hard feelings. Letting someone in at all? Even though I make fun of you I really love you I notice the small things that you do the way you quickly glance at other when they do something wrong. I notice the smallest things you. You piss me off so much but I can’t help not to love you. And I’m sure you know it too.

Elina: Nike Techians eyes are so pretty
Sophia: Putins better
Ella:Frick no cauliflower are better

by Elinuka April 17, 2023