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Queer Platonic Relationship

A Queer Platonic Relationship or a QPR is a relationship that is neither inherently sexual, romantic or platonic, and was created by and for A-spec people (those with nonexisting to limited sexual/romantic attraction). Allosexuals/Alloromantics may also participate.

One in a QPR may do the following ;
- Kiss/ Not Kiss
-Hold hands/ Never hold hands
- Cuddle/ not cuddle
- Have kids/ Not have kids
- Live together/ Live seperatly
- marry/ not marry
- fuck/ not fuck

Baisically a list of checkboxes and custom made.

Quinn ; Why is she holding her hand? Is she gay?
Alice ; No they are just partners and signficant others.
Quinn ; Isn't that the same thing?
Alice ; No those terms can either refer to a romantic relationship or someone your in a Queer Platonic Relationship with.

by ElsaAro December 23, 2020

13👍 1👎

Queen Elsa

The first disney royalty with magic powers. The first and only Asexual and Aromantic disney princess. She thought romance was gross, balked at anna's romantic love, was ostracized from society for being a "monster" common sterotype aroace people get. Her ice powers which repersent her sexuality were first seen as a terrible thing she would hurt her sister with but later were shown to be not evil or frigid, but okay, normal and accepted. The only love she needed was from her sister, and it's common for Aroace people to replace romantic love with family/platonic love.

Hei ; Queen Elsa and Honeymaren are so in love in Frozen 2!
Zainab ; Uh no Elsa is aromantic....

by ElsaAro December 23, 2020

aromantic asexual

Aromantic = One who does not experience romantic attraction (Aro).
Asexual = One who does not experience sexual attraction (Ace).
Aromantic Asexual (n./adj.) = One who does not experience neither sexual or romantic attraction (AroAce)

AroAce's may be ....
-Sex repulsed/ Romance repulsed Repulsed by romance/sex, either in referring to themselves engaging in it or others
- Sex /Romance indifferent
- Sex favorable/ Romance
- Sex / Romance fluctuating Have fluctuating ideas about romance or sex, either in referring to themselves engaging in it or others.

Aromantic Asexuals may mastrubate, to release tension while still not feeling sexually attracted to a specific person. They may fantazise about false situations that don't include real people. Some Aromantic Asexuals don't like mastrubation.

Though most Aromantic Asexuals do not desire a romantic/sexual relationship, some do for a variety of reasons. One reason an Aromantic Asexual may get in a romantic/sexual relationship is that they are Sex/ Romance favorable.

A Queer-Platonic relationship is one that is created for Ace and Aro people but may include allosexual/alloromantic (non-asexual, non-aromantic) people. It is neither inherently sexual or romantic, and each one looks different as you decide everything with your partner.

The A in LGBTQA+ stands for people in A-spec ( the spectrum of those with limited to none existent romantic and/or sexual attraction). Therefore, Aromantic Asexuals are LGBTQA+.

Exp 1 ;

Brenna ; "Should I ask her out? She might not want to go since she's Aroace...."

Lydia ;"Yeah! I heard she's a romance-favorable Aromantic Asexual, go for it!"

EX 2 ;

Muhammad ; " I know your an Aromantic Asexual, what do you think about sex and romance?"
Tim ; " I'm Romance and Sex-fluctuating so honestly it depends on the situation."

EX 3 ;

Molly ; How come you watch that show since your an Aromantic Asexual?

Alice ; I'm sex-indifferent so I don't really care about the sex scenes, but as a romance- favorable gal I really think this rom-com is the cutest!

Ex4 ;

Adam; How come she hasn't responded to my thirst trap?
Zhang Wei ; *bursts out laughing* , " Don't you know Halima is a sex and romance repulsed Aromantic Asexual? Not to mention that she's muslim?"
Adam ; " Oh that explains why she never flirts back..."

If you came to be validated I am here to tell you I am just like you, you are stunning, and you are valid and not alone.

by ElsaAro December 21, 2020

47👍 6👎