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the combination of bunghole and dillweed

yo, that guy is a dillweed AND a bunghole......whoa, he's a BUNGWEED!!!!!

by Elvis August 10, 2003

1👍 1👎


adj. so beautiful that it inspires furious masturbation. usually used to describe a woman.

That chick's ass is so cranktacular.

by Elvis November 11, 2003

6👍 2👎


what a bunch of people that post def. on this site are.

These people are the biggest haters I've ever seen.

by Elvis June 28, 2003

31👍 39👎


nice looking alien

Yo, da xenoizzle was fizzle wit ma nizzle, mad alien ho.

by Elvis July 23, 2003

5👍 9👎

Pearl Jam

Great band that actually gives a shit about their music and their surroundings.

Vedder gave a tiring speach about Bush, but still put on a great show.

by Elvis June 28, 2003

912👍 370👎

dime bar


"richard you dime bar"

(to the person who wrote the first definition-steve dave- either you are a mallrats fan or have a class name which is it?)

by Elvis July 14, 2003

24👍 15👎


Denna usla neger jävel duger bara till att pricka golv / vägg / tak, han duger inte ens till att hoppa ordentligt... därför e voiden hans bästa polare som ger honom daglig avsugning...
Ibland prickar han faktist nåt annat än väggar osv, det e sina Team kamrater, skjuter dom oftast med mening pga ilskan som tynger honom innombords ( pga hans afrikanska mamma brände bullarna han skulle ha till Björnes magasin )

by Elvis August 26, 2003

8👍 127👎