someone that nobody likes, so do NOT adopt them
spermy: lets adopt emopee
emopee: wah wah ur so mean wah wah
spermy: *disowns them for being a fag*
wiggle called me a lowcase bitch so do not like them
wiggle: First of fucking all I donât even remember you you low case bitch You honestly make me sick all of you bitches should be in hell Marilynn Manson is a fucking weird prostitute and you guys donât understand how you guys were the problem being racist is not okay being fat phobic is not okay btw this fucking server is almost a exact copy of the urinal âurinators nationâ is not original at all and your staff called the kondoms or whatever is literally just the condoms you guys have 0 originality and I hope you all fucking perish in a house fire and I hope your grandmother gets from down the fucking stairs and gets run over by a forklift bye you fake ass bitches Iâll see you in hell
cooler person: kys wiggle
very cool gal who loves MSI and hates Faggots and trannys
JP : gosh emipee is so good
Ala mode : yes ikr I want emipee so bad