Source Code

Poopy rag

When you or your friend is being an absolute a** hole

Ted stop being a poopy rag to bobby

by Eosjwer September 1, 2023

Mr bombastic bomba fantastic

When you are so bombastic bomba fantastic that you have to legally change your name to Mr bombastic

Greg,you are so bombastic I'm gonna call you Mr bombastic bomba fantastic

by Eosjwer August 27, 2023


To eosjw.no idk what it means

You are never going to read this.eosjw is when you randomly hit letters on your keyboard

by Eosjwer August 5, 2023

spectrum donkey

Someone who is so autistic they act like a donkey

Did that kid just brey? I bet they are a spectrum donkey.

by Eosjwer November 17, 2023


A pukwudgie is a gay pantie gnome that puts gay love hexes on huckleberry.

That dang pukwudgie come down here and put a gay love hex on huckleberry!

by Eosjwer November 24, 2023


The pukwudgie is a gay pantie gnome that puts gay love hexes on huckleberry.

That dang pukwudgie come out and put a gay love hex on huckleberry!

by Eosjwer November 25, 2023


A homosexual woods gnome that likes to put gay love spells on huckleberry

Is that pukwudgie making love to huckleberry wtf!

by Eosjwer December 25, 2023