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Weeble Wobble

A joke within the context of the label Disciple Records. Eliminate and Bandlez have both released songs called Weeble Wobble, and Barely Alive has an upcoming song of the same name, teased as an ID at Parookaville 2019 and later confirmed in the Disciple Unboxing video. Another part of the joke is that all the songs sound different, leading to the phrase "Weeble Wobble is better than Weeble Wobble".

Person 1: Weeble Wobble is better than Weeble Wobble
Person 2: If you say that Weeble Wobble is better than Weeble Wobble but you gonna release a new Weeble Wobble, probably, this Weeble Wobble is it gonna be better than the Weeble Wobble that it's better than the other Weeble Wobble?

by Epiccat27 August 5, 2019

53👍 3👎


not in europe

Person 1: isn't australia in europe
Australian: that's austria, you dumbo

by Epiccat27 September 5, 2019

1👍 1👎