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Trump dick

A dick so small that it resembles Donald Trump’s belly button weird ass shaped micro penis

Fuck i am so dissapoomted,he’s got that Trump dick
Omg i am so sorry

by Epicureanhoe November 4, 2020

Grim reaper

When ur soul is sucked from getting a blow job

Fuck man i just got grim reapered by that chick
(Gay version)Fuck man i just got grim reapered by Justin

by Epicureanhoe November 4, 2020


When ur literally obsessed or in love w someones penis

Wow I am really dickmatized by Jaden’s dick

by Epicureanhoe April 17, 2020

18👍 3👎


Good pussy energy

Leila definitely has that GPA.

by Epicureanhoe November 3, 2020

5👍 4👎


A meaner way ti say hey ur a pu***

Omg he is such a posy

by Epicureanhoe April 17, 2020

17👍 7👎

Shiny dick

When u somebody is performing a bj on ur dick with lipgloss and the lipgloss stains the dick

Fuck i’ve got a shiny dick from .her(him/them)

by Epicureanhoe December 29, 2021


Laughing my fucking flat ass off
This one is for all u flat booty bitches who aree sick and tired of people teasing u for using lmao and having no ass

Omgg this vid is so funny lmffao

by Epicureanhoe April 17, 2020

9👍 2👎