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When you are utterly bored and have resorted to to measures such as typing out the alphabet or else typing keyboard patterns such as qwertyuiop and qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm. At this point you should probably consider your life and whether you were a waste of semen.

I'll do my homework in an hour or so. More importantly I'm just gonna check the Urban Dictionary definition of aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz.

by EpitomyOfBoredom April 7, 2018

71👍 22👎


A dude with a clapped trim. Who knows what creatures reside in that barnet of Niran's? Short for FlyingNirangatang.

Christ, FNG's trim is mad clapped! I hope no-trim Niran gets duppied by Aarava tbh.

by EpitomyOfBoredom November 19, 2020

5👍 3👎