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a portmanteau formed from Trump + hemorrhoidectomy

def: any procedure that effectively removes a HUGE pain-in-the-ass

OMG! Our beloved country is in dire need of a Trumpectomy!

by Eppypotamus July 14, 2019

1👍 2👎


def: 1) Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic; a buffoonish attempt to buy votes of trumptard s by giving them money (mailing them trumpchecks) to continue ignoring his bumbling incompetence, mental unfitness, pathological lying , and generally assclownish behavior.

... NOT the same as a Trump Check

Q: "Did u receive your trumpcheck, yet?" A: "Oh, yeah, dude, like I done spent it on an ounce of premium bud! Q2: "Like, gimme a bowl of that bud, dude!" A2: "STFU dude! Get your own u moochin' trumpanzee!"

by Eppypotamus March 26, 2020

68👍 6👎


portmanteau formed from trump + petard (in the sense of Shakespeare's "hoist with his own petard')

def: a linguistic "reveal" of pathological liars (like Trump), wherein a statement is "exploded" (revealed to be completely devoid of veracity) by an immediately following conflicting/contradictory statement.

example of usage: "In every public speech, the president careers from one trumpetard to the next!"

by Eppypotamus March 30, 2020


portmanteau formed from Trump + orgasm

def: (1) the thrill a trumptard experiences whenever he thinks everyone has believed one of his obvious lies

Trump is a pathological liar and has a trumpgasm every few minutes!

by Eppypotamus August 14, 2019


A portmanteau comprised from blending parts from the words Eppi etymologist blimpo hippo hip and hippopotamus. Definition: A genius etymologist with a hippo-sized ass and preternatural knack for divining the origin and meanings of vernacular words in common usage throughout urban America ... and the world-at-large. See: Einstein

She was a genius etymologist, holding a PhD in American Slang from the prestigious Wharton School of Slangonomics ... a true Eppypotamus!

by Eppypotamus June 30, 2019


def: (1) a sexually-attractive young woman who only dates rich old geezers, usually only for the purpose (and with an expectation) of receiving expensive gifts; even though she will rarely fuck on a first date (no matter how attractive or valuable the proffered or promised gifts), so, technically, NOT a whore (yet) or prickteaser, she definitely WILL fuck on a second date IF sufficiently extravagant or expensive gifts are received in the interim.

syn: high-class whore-ELLA

Before becoming First Lady, Melania was only the last in a long line of Trumpteezers.

by Eppypotamus July 14, 2019


an operation that results in destruction of the frontal lobe of the brain, causing the "victim" to lose all capacity for higher thought, reason, etc.; commonly suffered by attendees at Trump rallies; syn: magatized hannatized

OMG! My pervy uncle got a Trumpotomy at a Trump rally. He was thoroughly magatized; it transformed him into a low-IQ person... a complete Trumpanzee! He still grabs me by my pussy, but is become such a ignoranus trumpanzee, he does his old grab-a-snatch routine indiscreetly, even in front of my parents!!! OMG!!!!

by Eppypotamus June 23, 2019